
韓文轉譯英文: buckme and Haeda @2pmalways   MAY BE TAKEN OUT WITH FULL CREDIT


Hello, I'm Jun.K!!! Lets start now ^-^

Fan: Oppa was Taiwan fun?
Junsu: Yes It was fun!  


Fan: Hi oppa? ^0^
Junsu: Hi!!!

[ENG] Fan: Junsu ~ Alive is so awesome!! And Jun.K is so cool!! NO Jun.K NO ❤
Junsu: yuppp no jun.K no Love

Fan: Oppa what songs have you been listening to lately?
Junsu: Nowadays I'm listening to Alive keke just joking lately I'm listening to Kim Trio's Goodbye, You. [ ] Its an old song but its charming

Fan: Because of Oppa I feel alive
Junsu: We are alive, don't die ^^

Fan: Oppa ㅠㅠㅠㅠ I'm hungry ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
Junsu: Please eat

Fan: Exciting journey to work with Alive ♥.♥
Junsu: keke really as the night goes on and it gets darker feel alive once more!

Fan: Junsu oppa are you gonna get married to music? ♥.♥
Junsu: I already did   (We all know XD)

Fan: OppaㅠㅠI'm on my phone right now and it's so slowㅠㅠMy stomach hurts and feel like dyingㅠㅠBut I came because I missed you oppaㅠㅠ
Junsu: Don't get sick!!! You must get better!!!

Fan: What does Panda mean to oppa??
Junsu: Cutie pie

Fan: What does Dongsaeng [*little bro] Wooyoung mean to oppa? ☆▽☆
Junsu: Cutie poop

Fan: Oppa I wanna be your cutie poop too. If you agree please send me a heart~♡
Junsu: Just be a pie just pieㅋㅋ

Fan: Junsu oppa just say it if you don't have the slanted-eye pic....^_ㅠ I already know..
Junsu: ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Not sure

Fan: Oppa~!Snazzy Junsu oppa~
Junsu: Snazzy?Cool

Fan: Oppaaangaang I love you [*'sarang haeyo' can also mean 'do it with 4'] ^0^ I will do it with 5 ㅋㅋ
Junsu: I will do it with us ~~~^^

Fan: Seoul is slick
Junsu: What is slick

Fan: No love is the last words~~And what's next??!?!?!?!!
Junsu: Say it twice and it becomes a nag

Fan: A body part I'm most confident with!!Where is it!?
Junsu: Kkyak

Fan: You need to take responsibility of my ears that melted after listening to Alive♡ Junsu oppa >.<
Junsu: Uhihing

Fan: Junsu-yah I haven't been able to turn off my computer since October 7 because of streaming.. Might blow up soon... Haha...;;
Junsu: ㅋㅋ It'd be amazing if it blew up kkyak

Fan: Kyungshin High School Iljin respond, over
Junsu: I'm not an Iljin [*Iljin = Leader of school "gang"]  

(上次在官咖他說要找出那個說他是Ilijin的人 笑翻)

Fan: Dyareunghaem ♡.♡ [*a cute way of saying Love You]
Junsu: Whats dyareunghaem, a name of ham?

Fan: What is a ramyun (*noodles) that oppa really likes?
Junsu: Sanoramyun [*It's a name of a song]

Fan: Ah really ah really you're the same person from Daegu don't be like this keke
Junsu: what should I not do

Fan: What sort of genre will your next song be?
Junsu: Haha the recording for my 5th song has already finished, and we've finished the producing too ^^


Fan: How many songs have you completed now?
Junsu: 5, please wait for my 5th song too

Fan: Oppa its the start hehe please send me a reply
Junsu: yep [fan's username] hello

Fan: I want to listen to Writing Letters ㅠㅠ
Junsu: Haha thats next ~~~

Fan: Oppa whats the line from Alive that you like the most? I'm really wondering!
Junsu: Even though I'm in a bright place I can't see the light..  (筆記!我也很喜歡♥)

Fan: 5th song…crying ㅠㅠㅠㅠ Oppa around when are you gonna show that 5th song ㅠ^ㅠ??
Junsu: after 9 million years  (金埈秀你真的很煩耶!!!!!!XDDDDDD)

Fan: When you're writing poems where do you do it? Cafe? Room? (◡‿◡*)I❤Jun.K
Junsu: When I'm writing lyrics? I write them in front of my computer ^^

Fan: Suddenly I wanna listen to Oppa ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
Junsu: huhu

Fan: Oppa~~~ Its raining a lot in Thailand ㅠㅠㅠㅠ Oppa please say fon mai ddok
Junsu: fon ja mai ddok!!!!!!

Fan: Please tell me Daegu Smile Ddokkbokki's secret recipe ㅠㅠ
Junsu: Smile while making it  


Fan: Junsu-yah you gave us ringtones but…there are still some people who couldn't download it!! ㅡㅡ!! Say "receive it" please ㅠㅠ
Junsu: receive receive receive

Fan: Oppaoppaoppa when will the music video come out ㅠㅠ?
Junsu: There isn't a music video ^^ This album is just especially for the Asia Tour~~ ^


Fan: When will we meet ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
Junsu: nownowrightnow

Fan: Hottests have been waiting with their eyes peeled for oppa but why haven't you appeared keke
Junsu: I have appeared

Fan: I'm a Thai fan. Oppa you know about the floods in Thailand right?
Junsu: [ENG] i feel bad for sorry,,,,

Fan: Did you really forget???? Are you just reading the comments?? Reply -__-
Junsu: I did I am I'm doing it now

Fan: Alive was red…what colour will your 5th song be???
Junsu: Warm colour


Fan: Junsu oppa I've got a bit of a cold ㅠㅠ huhu…Oppa be careful not to catch a cold too hehehehehe
Junsu: Get better from your cold!!! Don't get sick ㅠㅠ  (You're so sweet QQ)

Fan: Oppa why are you so handsome? ㅠㅠㅠㅠ Oppa you're so handsome I could cry ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
Junsu: Don't cry I'm not handsome ㅠㅠ

(你超帥的好嗎!!!!!!!不要每次都說自己不帥嘛 ㅠㅠ)

Fan: I saw you in Cheongju yesterday~ kekekeke Jusu looked really cool yesterday~ ♥
Junsu: Its not Jusu…kekeke 


Fan: Oppa are you sleeping soundly by any chance??
Junsu: I'm not sleeping  

(不睡覺....不愛睡覺長不高喔~~~難怪沒有180 (大誤)XDDDD)

Fan: Why do you want to go to Switzerland?
Junsu: Its pretty, Switzerland looks pretty

Fan: Ehh…I've gotta leave soon…ㅠㅠㅠ seems like I won't get a reply..
Junsu: I've giving you one!! ^^

Fan: Oppa what were you doing~
Junsu: I was definitely writing!!! eke  (也是XDDDD 需要這麼中肯嗎XD)

Fan: Oppa I love you ^0^ what about you Oppa??
Junsu: Hello keke   (金埈秀遇到這種問題都會用問候來顧左右而言他XDDDD)

Fan: Oppa where are you?
Junsu: In your heart, you're someone who's always talking to me


[ENG] Fan: Oppa~ Can u say Chinese "I LOVE U" in Taiwan,again? kkk
Junsu: wo ai ni!!!


Fan: What was the last movie you watched????
Junsu: I saw the Fast & Furious 5 on the plane kkyak~

Fan: Oppa a dot for me. Please just put one ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
Junsu: .



Fan: My heart is trembling right now, what about oppa??
Junsu: my heart is beating

Fan: Oppa my eyes are overstrained sob sob ㅜ.ㅜ
Junsu: Cheer up ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

Fan: I know how to speak Busan satoori
Junsu: speak Daegu satoori

Fan: Jun.K!!! Are you not really handsome???? And your songs are daebak too!! I saw your jacket photos and my jaw dropped!!!!! It was really amazing ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
Junsu: eyy~~~ keke

Fan: My birthday is soon, its on Ppepero Day! Will you say congratulations in advance for me~!
Junsu: Ppepero Day…congratulations~

Fan: Oppa, I'm also alive~ living and breathing~ but why don't you reply? T.T
Junsu: I am replying!! ^^

Fan: Oppa did you eat dinner?? I wanna eat oppa's love ^^
Junsu: I haven't eaten yet, I want to ^^ heehee

[ENG] Fan: Call me J to the UN, K to the AY
Junsu: how ya get so fly

[ENG] Fan: I love you!!!!
Junsu: love u too!

Fan: Oppa Daegu is the strongest and Oppa is the most strong!!^^ but my comment, just once ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ yes?
Junsu: kekeke strong, right?

Fan: Have you eaten ?.?
Junsu: not yet ㅠㅠㅠ

Fan: Not receiving an answer is okay. Must write what you want
Junsu: What sort of thing?

Fan: Oppa Alive is so good ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
Junsu: please love it a lot ㅇㅇ

Fan: I have a stomach upset today so my stomach hurts, say don't hurt huh~ just once ♥
Junsu: huhhhhhhh   (人家要你說不痛呼呼~~~只回了呼呼而已~~~答對一半,50分XD)

Fan: Oppa! Why did Alive come out?_?
Junsu: It was made for the concert and then released

Fan: Oppa as its cold stay warm and eat something spicy ^--^
Junsu: Yes you stay warm and safe too ^-^!! fighting

Fan: Oppa I'm the strongest!! You didn't know that until now…?? kekekeke
Junsu: who are you  

Fan: Oppa I miss you ㅠㅠㅠ I wrote questions but they're all getting lost….
Junsu: me too!!!

Fan: Oppa do you know what "즐" is?
Junsu: KIN (the word 즐 looks like KIN sideways, it was chatting slang for "have fun chatting" [즐거운 채팅하세요])

Fan: Junsu~^^ I love you!! We're waiting for you in Japan. Do you miss us too?
Junsu: yes I miss you !! 


Fan: Oppa is so charming~~
Junsu: hello!!!

Fan: Oppa I'm behind you I can see you..!!
Junsu: I can see you!

Fan: Our Jun.K oppa ^^~~ thank you for giving us such a great song. I'm alive~ ♥ I want to see ALIVE in Thailand!!……
Junsu: ^-^ thank you!!!

Fan: I'm worn out really!!!! Just one reply!! just one really can you not see me begging here? Even though you're in front of the computer you can't see my writing if this comment passes by what about my reply?
Junsu: [ENG] baby im here

Fan: Oppa I like Prague the most, after going to Prague shall we go to Switzerland?!
Junsu: lets just go to Switzerland first  (他真的很想去瑞士XD)

Fan: how tall are you? your real height!!
Junsu: 9million   (上次說自己三萬公分,現在變成九百萬了,傻)

Fan: Oppa, so around when can we hear your new song ♥_♥?
Junsu: very soon

(很快!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!快快快快快,I can't wait~~~~~)

Fan: Do you like the number 9 million?
Junsu: I've said it too many times so I'll change it to 9 thousand million


Fan: Junsu oppa would you marry me @.@?
Junsu: spaaaaace [the fan wrote "would you marry me" in Konglish, "would you" in Konglish sounds like "우주" in Korean, which means space)


Fan: Oppa is really good-looking and I'm really pretty kekekkekekekekekeke
Junsu: kekekekekeke

Fan: Junsu oppa~~~~
Junsu: what ^^

Fan: Oppa whats your treasure?? hehe
Junsu: Hmm huhehehe

Fan: Oppa, I'm a disappointment…
Junsu: huh???

Fan: Do you have any worries at the moment? What are they?
Junsu: Nowadays fitness and health  (請保重身體QQQQQQ 記得健身lol)

Fan: Oppa oppa oppa!!!!!
Junsu: yesyesyesyes^^

Fan: YO! Daegu guy G! Jun.K is real~ and oppa! Oppa is really good at rapping ㅠ
Junsu: kekeke please eat!

Fan: Oppa do you wanna share my hard drive ^^;;;;;;;;;;;
Junsu: kekekeke not allowed

[ENG] Fan: Junsu oppa…When to come Hong Kong? Alive is a good song..plz come to Hong Kong!!! TT

Fan: Junsu oppa do you wanna marry me~~
Junsu: just eat for now…keke

Fan: where did you live in Daegu?
Junsu: In Suseong district, Hwanggum area~   (這樣把自己家的區域說出來好嗎XDDD)

Fan: Junsu ♡ me
Junsu: Hi^^

Fan: Songwriter Junsu is great! Alive daebak!! Your next song will definitely be daebak too!!! In the future always daebak!!!
Junsu: thank you always~~ ^^

Fan: I want to go to Daegu! If I go to Daegu will I see lots of good-looking boys like oppa? kekeke
Junsu: Daegu is strong right

Fan: Who's the person you think about the most now?
Junsu: My mom ^^  (I miss your mom too~~~~←關妳屁事!)

Fan: Do you really intend to keep a panda? kekekeke
Junsu: I have a small one, I wanna keep

Fan: Whats oppa's favourite food?
Junsu: Ddukbokki  (真的很愛辣炒年糕耶)

Fan: Always, thank you…
Junsu: keke I'm thanking you more^^

Fan: Alive daebak!!!!!
Junsu: Kkyak hehehe

Fan: Oppa your eyebrows and Honggu's eyebrows look the same ^--^ keke ^--^
Junsu: kekekekekekekeke

Fan: Oppa is it still surprising to hear people say that you're good-looking? Oppa you were like that to me!! But oppa do you know…? There's a halo behind you!!
Junsu: There's electric lighting behind me

Fan: hehe shy kekeke Oppa is there…he's there…eyy no!!!
Junsu: what?

Fan: Oppa after I eat will we get married?
Junsu: Come back after dessert   

(剛剛飯要埈秀跟她結婚,埈秀叫她去去吃東西;飯吃完再問一次,埈秀叫她吃完甜點再回來XDDDD 笑翻)

Fan: Oppa is the most expensive
Junsu: not expensive   (超貴的!我都買不起QQQQQ)

Fan: Oppa, are you lonely?
Junsu: kekekeke why

Fan: I'm on the way back from work but I wanna see Su oppa so much ㅜㅜ ♥
Junsu: me too!! ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ


Fan: Oppa I saved up all my money lets set up a ddukbokki shop together ♡.
Junsu: give me your money kekeke

(XDDDDDDDDD 矮唷太好笑了啦你)

Fan: Is there a musical instrument you want to learn?
Junsu: I'm thinking about trying the guitar ^^

Fan: I have no hardships at all…but Kim Junsu whenever you see me you look tired ㅠㅠ
Junsu: I'm not tired, you give me strength ^^

(You're also our strength!!!!!!♥)

Fan: you're gonna play the guitar too? ㅠㅠ
Junsu: I'm not gonna play it

Junsu: I had a fun time with you all! Please love ALIVE a lot!! I'm happy that we got to talk here! Please understand me missing some responses I love you all!! ^^




金埈秀莎朗嘿♥ 請多辦點這種活動啊~~~

    2PM junsu 金埈秀 yozm
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