#1 June 20, 2011
Well done Rory, the big news of the weekend
Rafael Nadal
Good morning everybody and thanks again for letting me this opportunity to do this blog.
I arrived to London last Wednesday and one thing different this year is that .... it has been raining all the time! We had such a lovely summer last year! Anyway it is great to be back here in the UK playing this fantastic event.
Lots of things to tell you but really not many different things except for this weather. Hopefully it will change and will allow the tournament to go on without many headaches! Because imagine all those players from the section of the draw I am playing that spent the whole day at the tournament waiting to play and that in the end they could not play!
And just wanted to say something about the big news of this past week end! Rory amazing!!!! Big congratulations to him! IT is so nice to see him play! He deserved to win and I am very happy for him and for all his family, team, friends and fans! Well done!
Winning in Paris has made me calm
Rafael Nadal
1. When you were my age (11), for how many hours a week did you play tennis and how did you manage to find the time? Sinead Ryan
RN: Hello, I use to spend 2 or 3 hours playing tennis and even football. But at that age more or less I had to stop football since it was too much and stayed with tennis. You know classes and studies together with sport was what I was doing.
2. You like to cook here – do you ever use a recipe? What is your favourite dish to prepare besides gambas and pasta? Teresa, USA
你在這裡喜歡下廚 - 你曾經使用食譜嗎?除了蝦跟義大利麵之外,你最喜歡準備的菜餚是什麼?
RN: Yes I like to cook here in Wimbledon at the house. I also prepare fish and vegetables, grilled. I buy very good tuna fish and salmon here which I love. The salmon I do it with teriyaki sauce.
3. How do you remain so humble whilst you look totally arrogant on court? Elaine Marock
RN: Wow! So you say I am arrogant? I am only focused and concentrated on the point. I don't think I behave arrogant, sorry to not agree with you.
4. I queued over 24 hours in order to see you play! Is there anything that you would queue that long for? Kim Mackenzie
RN: Not sure I would do it, specially here with all this rain! So i really admire all you and thank you for doing that. I would queue for the golf event!
5. What are the main adjustments you have to make to play on grass at Wimbledon? Do you have to stay closer to the baseline, take the ball earlier and be more aggressive? Will you be adjusting your service motion and position as well? And do you feel comfortable with the courts and balls this year? I hope you have a great tournament, again. Best of luck. Alexis Grohmann
RN: Yes, there are many adjustments to the grass compared with clay for example. Almost everything is different. Like all fast surfaces you have to try to stay closer to the base line. The serve os also more important and also the body position here is lower since you hit the ball down more than up. Many things to change actually.
6. Hi Rafa,how does it make you feel when other players say you are their toughest opponent to play? Val Brighouse
Hi Rafa,當其他球員說你是他們最難對付的對手時給你什麼感覺?
RN: Well, I am not sure they always really mean it. But it is something that helps I suppose.
7. If you could have had a long conversation and ask questions to someone famous from the past who would you like to have talked to and why, what would you like to have asked them or learnt from them? Juliette Westbrook-Finch, England UK
RN: This is a very interesting question but I really don't know the answer would have to think about it. BUt for sure someone historic, some one who was important in the history of my country. or maybe some sportsman that had really important moments to ask how he handled the situation. OR some world businessman... I don't know but thanks for this since will think about it.
8. As Wimbledon gets underway, do you feel a lot of pressure is off of you now that you won Roland Garros? Jennifer Wilkens
RN: We always have pressure but the fact of winning Roland Garros really releases some of that pressure and makes me play with more calm.
#2 June 21, 2011
I enjoyed the sunshine, let's hope it stays that way
Rafael Nadal
Hello everyone.
What a lovely afternoon it was today, so sunny, so nice! Let's hope it stays like this!!!!
Had a quiet day today, played some playstation (you probably saw that on my facebook, and simply stayed at home for dinner with Maymo, Toni and Carlos.
今天是很個平靜的一天,打了幾場PS (你們可能在我的facebook上看到了),而且和Maymo、Toni跟
Very quiet, very nice.
Tomorrow people might think it is an easy match but that is not correct.
We'll see how it goes!
Ask Rafa: the crowds at Wimbledon are very correct
1. You've often mentioned that you enjoy the musical The Phantom of The Opera (great choice by the way ) but did you know that Sir Andrew Lloyd Webber has a house in Mallorca and spends a good deal of time there? Perhaps you should make contact and he can give you a personal rendition? Julie Tingle
你經常提到你享受在音樂劇歌劇魅影(很棒的選擇),但你知道Andrew Lloyd Webber大師在馬洛卡
RN: I didn't know. As you say perhaps after Wimbledon we could meet. That would be very nice. Thanks for the tip!
2. Hi Rafa, as you are on British turf, do you find it difficult to motivate yourself if you are falling behind when you are playing against a British player, i.e Murray as the crowd will be supporting their countryman more? Kylie Pang
Hi Rafa,在英國的草皮上當你和英國球員例如Murray比賽,觀眾比較支持他們本土球員時,如果你處於
RN: No, I think the crowd here is extremely polite and correct. I have played Andy here at Wimbledon before and they were amazing, very correct. It is obvious they support the local player but no complaints whatsoever, actually the other way around.
3. How have you improved since Wimbledon last year and in what areas? Sharon Lam
RN: I am not sure I have improved. I do have more experience though....
4. What is the best thing about Wimbledon off the court, as opposed to the other slams? Gindy, Richmond
RN: That I am at the house and have the choice of doing a "normal" life like today staying for dinner, watch TV on a sofa surrounded by friends (team) and family.
5. Do you like horror movies? Dina, Egypt
RN: I AM SCARED OF THEM!!!! Not too much to be honest!
6. Can I hit with you if you ever come to Chicago? I'm a left-hander, too. Andrew Cuison
RN: :-) Not planning to come to Chicago for the moment. I used to go there in transit on my way from Madrid to Palm Springs. Iberia fly there.
:-) 目前沒有計畫要到芝加哥。我過去從馬德里到棕櫚泉市的時候會在那過境。Iberia航空會飛那裡。
7. Did the grass feel different from the last time you played on Centre? It looks so lush and soft and good enough to sleep on. Natalie
RN: Very much!!! it is amazing to play the first match on center. The grass is so perfect and green, something really amazing!!!
非常不同!!! 打中央球場的開幕戰真的很棒。草地狀況如此完美且翠綠,真的是難以置信的美好!!!!
#3 June 22, 2011
I'm discovering new things at this Wimbledon
Rafael Nadal
Hello everyone,
Good day today for me at the championships since I had the chance to play today for the first time with the roof. It is a Wimbledon that I am discovering new things, that I am doing new things I had never done before.
I played the opening match on center with that amazing grass and today I played with the roof. To be honest i prefer to play outdoors, since this is an outdoor event but have to admit it was nice to play with the roof.
Tomorrow hopefully we will have better weather and I can get some good practice. It is important for me and obviously for all players to be able to play and practice in order to have a good rhythm when we play. But I suppose for the tournament the most important thing is to get the matches finished so that the next rounds can be played.
Ask Rafa: thanks to Yen-Hsun Lu for helping out
Rafael Nadal
1. I've seen a photo that you warmed up with Yen-Hsun Lu today on your Facebook. What do you think about Lu and his game and how do you feel hitting with him? Rachel, Taiwan
(是我耶XDDDDDD 是看到fb照片之後send的,不過其實內容還要更長一點,沒有全部貼出來,哈哈
RN: Yes, I had the chance to warm up with him today I think it was on Court 10. He was good to hit with and I am very thankful to him for accepting. I wish him all the best of luck!
2. My sister and I are South Africans and are BIG fans; we wear your tennis gear with PRIDE. Do you think we will ever realize our dream of getting to watch you mesmerize us live in our shores? Bongiwe
RN: I have been in South Africa 3 times, once playing at sun city, another to the Nike Junior Tour prize-giving ceremony and last year for the World Cup football. Hopefully one day will be back again there to play. Thanks!
3. I was wondering if maybe one day we'll get a Rafa cook book, full of your recipes? It would be very popular. Cedrine, London
RN: Not that I have too many recipes to be honest. But the one with pasta and seafood is pretty good!
4. You play a lot on PlayStation and seem to like watching TV. Do you have to test your eyes often? Céline S.
RN: No, not really. Things working fine for the moment with my eyes. And not that i play too much playstation.
5. I saw a photo of you holding Maymo's notebook in a Madrid practice session. Were you trying to delete notes on how much chocolate you had eaten? Atch
RN: Hahaha ah. No, no. Only having fun with him. He keeps everything under control and well written.
6. I know you are a fan of Rory McIlroy, but do you have any thoughts on Jason Day, the young Aussie golfer who's also doing really well at the moment? Lisa, Brisbane
我知道你是Rory McIlroy的球迷,但你對Jason Day有任何的想法嗎,年輕的澳洲高爾夫球員,當時
RN: Yeah, I love golf and I love to see all the players. Had a great time watching Rory at this US Open. And sure I have seen Jason Day play. He is also a very good player and as you say doing really well.
我有看Jason Day打球。他也是個很好的球員,而就像你說的,他打得真的很好。
7. I was very happy to see Rory McIlroy win the US Open and I know you texted him with encouraging messages. What is the most encouraging message you have received from a fellow sportsman? Nita B
我非常高興看到Rory McIlroy贏下美國公開賽,而且我知道你傳了鼓勵的訊息給他。你從運動員夥伴們
RN: I have had the luck to receive many text messages during my career and I have to say that some has been very inspiring to me. But I prefer to keep this between the sender and myself. Hope you don't mind.
#4 June 23, 2011
Hoping the rain stays away
Rafael Nadal
Hi everyone,
This is just a quick one since I am writing this after the dinner and I realised it is quite late. I had a quiet dinner at home with Carlos, Maymo and Albert Molina. The rest of the team and some others preferred to go out to the village and to London. So I stayed and cooked - the same pasta as the other day (Benito did the shopping) - and enjoyed some quiet time at home getting ready for the match. It will not be an easy one and on court No 1, too. That is always a bit different from Centre and with the risk of rain. Hopefully it won't be the case.
Albert Molina一起在家吃了頓安靜的晚餐。我團隊的其他人比較想外出到倫敦去。所以我留下來下廚 -
跟不久之前一樣是義大利麵 (是Benito去採購) - 並且在家裡享受了一段安靜的時光並且準備好比賽。
Ask Rafa: I never wear the same shirt twice
Rafael Nadal
1. You always say that you like summer and sun, with tennis you chase summer 11 months of the year, don't you get ever tired of it? Stella
RN: No, not really. I love the sun and enjoy playing with nice weather. But let me remind you that we also play in the fall in Europe and that's pretty dark! Not that I complain but just for the record.
2. Now that you've played under the roof, how do you think it changes the conditions apart from getting humid? Is the court any faster indoors? Jamie
RN: Indoors is normally a bit faster since the humidity has some influence but also since there is no wind. Conditions change.
3. Are you fully satisfied with your volley skills now, or will you improve it more and more, and switch from a baseline game to serve-and-volley? Maria Rafael
RN: There is always room for improvement on anything, and specially my volley! It would be nice to do just serve and volley but I think a lot of people would be doing passing shots like crazy.
4. Rather than answer a question, please, tell us a joke? Jeanna
RN: Is that a joke? :-)
5. For all the years that Nike has been sponsoring you, do you still have all the items they gave to you? How many sets of attire do they give to you per tournament? Jacklyn
RN: Yes, I have one of each I have played with. I keep them as memory. And to answer the second part of your question, I normally get two to three shirts for each match calculating I could make it to the final.
6. Is there any chance that we will get to see you playing doubles at the Olympics with Marc Lopez? Sharon
有任何機會我們能看到你在奧運和Marc Lopez打雙打嗎?
RN: That would be great but we both need to qualify!
7. Hola Rafa! Who is your pick for the women's title at Wimbledon this year? Kim Mackenzie
RN: Tough one this is. I actually thought Na Li would have won.
8. Do you enjoy coaching and would you ever consider coaching professionally when you retire? Gigi
RN: I don't think so but never say never!
9. If you were going to a desert island and could only take three things with you, what would they be? Karen
RN: I prefer to go to an island but not a desert! This way I can avoid answering this question.
10. Do you ever lose track of what the game score is? Anthea
RN: No, never, or almost never. If I do I ask the umpire but it is not the normal thing!
#5 June 24, 2011
Trust my luck rain comes while I am off Centre
Rafael Nadal
Well it had to happen I suppose. First time I don't play on center court this year and rain!
Couldn't finish my match and tomorrow I will resume play during the morning. Not a big deal. if you compare it with other players that had to play two or even three days in a row other years.
We are lucky to play on center court where you have the roof and in my case this time I played on court #1.
Some people are asking if there was a problem with me since I asked for the trainer before the end of the set. It was at the same time as the beginning of the rain and therefore the delay.
I had some issues before even I felt but nothing serious. I should be Ok for tomorrow.
Ask Rafa: winning titles are more important than my ranking
Rafael Nadal
1. Do you think there is a point in Serena Williams’s moan recently about some players always get to play at the show courts and others (like her) get moved around? Sharon Lam
RN: I don't think I should go into this discussion. I don't know really the problem and didn't ask her or the scheduling people. Should hear both before any comments
2. If you were to give one tip about temperament, and how you manage to pick yourself up after a fall, what would it be? Tom
RN: Don't really know what you mean. I think I have a good temperament though....
3. Every time you lift the Conde De Godo trophy after winning the Barcelona Open I’m scared you’ll injure yourself. Is that the heaviest and largest trophy that you have ever won? Atch
每次你在贏下巴塞隆納公開賽後要舉起Conde De Godo獎盃時,我都很怕你會傷了你自己。那是你
RN: ME TOO! It is really heavy but the feeling to win it is too good to realize!
4. Routines and rituals are commonplace in many sports but you seem to use them a lot. In what way do you think they help you perform better (if at all)? Do you think you pay more attention to them in high pressure situations such as the changeover before a key game? Robin
RN: I think they help my concentration and to know what I have to do but it doesn't change anything if for example the bottles I carefully put on the floor fall. In a few words, it is more a habit but not really a change if I don't do it.
5. What would you do if a player knocked over your water bottles at a change of end in an effort to psyche you out?
RN: Nothing would change, really.
6. What do you write on the tape on your fingers? Renata
RN: Nothing, it is only the way they are.
7. I noticed that lately you've been hanging out and practising with Feliciano Lopez a lot. Who schedules your practice and your partner? Celeste
我注意到最近你很常和Feliciano Lopez一起打發時間跟練習。是誰安排你的練習跟對象?
RN: Normally it is Toni who arranges it. But sometimes I speak to Feli on this particular case.
8. Have you ever doubted your ability to reach the top? When you were starting your career as a pro did you ever think ‘wow, this is tougher than I expected?’ Janice
RN: Actually you never think about that. You only tend to think about being a professional player and you start setting up goals little by little. You really never think at a young age about being at the top. You just want to play and compete
9. If you lose your world No 1 ranking, how will you react? Will it hurt? Will it make you more determined? Or will you just shrug your shoulders and say ‘hey, my time will come again’? Jon C
RN: I don't really care that much. I don't think it is as important as winning the big tournaments. If I lose that #1 position that would mean that someone else has been better and I will have to continue improving!
10. Why do women get criticised for grunting, yet the men seem just as bad? Scott F
RN:Good question. Do they get criticized? Do we do the same?
#6 June 25, 2011
Gearing up for second week with my new discovery: Japanese food
Rafael Nadal
Hello everyone,
I am writing this blog before going for dinner. Normally I always write it after I go for dinner either here at the house in Wimbledon or at a restaurant, but today since I am going out for dinner to London, to the city I thought I could write it now.
I will go to one of my favorite places in London and it is not this time El Cambio de Tercio which you all know. I am going to a Japanese restaurant that I really enjoy much here. I love also Japanese food. I had never been to Japan before till this year and I have to say that I also enjoyed very much my time there and the food. Since my girlfriend came today I will go out with her and enjoy a quite dinner (as quite as possible) and come back soon to rest.
我要去倫敦一個我很喜歡的地方,這次不是你們都知道的El Cambio de Tercio。我要去這裡一間我真的很喜歡
我相信是打錯字了XD] ,然後快點回來休息。
Tomorrow there is no play as every mid Sunday here at Wimbledon son an easy practice, and back home to get ready to play on Monday, We are again on the second week of a tournament and that's alway important! We'll see how it goes. Not easy!
Thanks all for your support.
Ask Rafa: I may get involved in football when I retire from tennis
Rafael Nadal
1. Hola Rafa! In a few years time, do you think that you will enter the doubles in Grand Slam tournaments as well? I would love to see you and Marc winning Wimbledon together! Kim Mackenzie
RN: Hi, I don't think that I will do this. It is already a lot with singles and to also play doubles at Grand Slams would be very difficult. Not easy either to win! But thanks!
2. When you play doubles, what part of your game does it help improve? What do you learn from Marc when you play doubles with him? Atch
RN: It's all about doubles today, huhh? It helps a lot movements, serve and volley. I like to play doubles! Marc is actually a very talented player and his "globo" (overhead?) is very, very good!
天賦的球員,而他的"globo" (扣殺?) 非常非常好!
3. Hi Rafa! I will be visiting Mallorca this summer. Is there any place in particular that you can recommend to visit? (apart from the beautiful Porto Cristo and Manacor of course!) Kim Mackenzie
Hi Rafa! 我今年夏天會造訪馬洛卡。有什麼特別的地方你會推薦要去參觀的?(除了美麗的Porto Cristo
RN: I think there are a lot of places that are nice! Not only in Mallorca but also in the Balearic islands. Formentera and obviously Ibiza are very nice. It also depends how you go, with family? Young age? etc. Give me more info and I give you a better tip! :-)
5. Hi Rafa, I found out that you trained with Rendy Lu again today. I'm wondering the main reasons you consider for choosing the partner to warm up with before your match, his game, his records in this tournament or just a random choice? Rachel, Taiwan
Hi Rafa,我發現你今天又跟盧彥勳一起練習。我想知道賽前你考慮選擇熱身對象的主要理由是什麼,
RN: Yes I did. Rafa knows his coach and we have practiced a few times. As simple as that!
6. When was the last time you played a match at Wimbledon other than Centre Court or Court one? Do you think there is a point in Serena Williams’ moan recently about “some players” always get to play at the show courts and others (like her) get moved around? Sharon Lam
RN: I think it was against Youhzny 4/5 years ago? I would haver to check that but I am pretty sure. I see Serena's point and also the Championships so I prefer not to go into this!
7. I'm trying to run a business, and I'm in between you and Rory McIlroy in terms of age, and seem to have the world on my shoulders. I would love to know how a man in his mid twenties can handle this kind of pressure. But if you were to give one tip about temperament, and how you manage to pick yourself up after a fall, what would it be? Tom Nicholson
我嘗試要經營一項事業,而我的年紀介於你跟Rory McIlrory之間,似乎在我的肩負著整個世界(意指
RN: Wow, this is a really difficult one! I am actually playing tennis, in the end it is only a game. True that we have a lot of pressure but I suppose your thing is more complicated. I can imagine you also get trained to what you do and I am sure you know what to do.
8. It was interesting to see you on the bike in your interview with Dutch T.V. Do you view biking as a training too only or do you enjoy it?Christie
看到你在Dutch TV的訪問中在腳踏車上很有趣。你也把騎腳踏車視為一種訓練,你享受嗎?
RN: Yes I do some biking when I am at home in Manacor. But I don't remember that interview well. Dutch TV?
是的,我在馬洛卡家裡會騎腳踏車。但我不是很記得那個訪問。Dutch TV?
9. After Feliciano Lopez's brilliant win against Roddick, how good a chance do you think he has of winning the tournament? Good luck in the next round! Katharine.
在Feliciano Lopez精彩地擊敗Roddic,你認為他有多好的機會能夠贏下這個賽事?祝你在下一輪比賽
RN: He is playing well and that was a great win. He is again on the second week of the tournament and that's great for him. Still lot's of matches so we'll see how it goes for him and for all of us!
10. Since a lot of professional and popular tennis players chose to buy a house and stay there for good in countries like US, Australia, and London, what made you choose to still stay and never leave Mallorca? Alison.
RN: Because for me it is the best place to live. It has got everything I need, weather, food, sea, and most important it is my home where my family and friends are.
11. I know retiring from the tennis scene is not in your mind right now, but do you have a specific target age for your retirement? What would be your plans or how do you see yourself after leaving the tennis scene professionally? Chay
RN: No not really. Lately I have been thinking about football and how much I enjoy that world. Maybe I'll get more involved on it since I am already involved with RCD Mallorca, the football team!
#7 June 26, 2011
With beautiful days like Sunday it is difficult to find nicer place than the UK
Rafael Nadal
Hello everyone,
Kind of late today writing this blog after I had a quiet dinner at my house with my team and family. More or less like a typical Sunday although with Spanish times!
It was a really beautiful day today, very sunny and warm and I have to say that with days like this it is difficult to find a nicer place than the UK. So green and nice it is just amazing!
Thanks for all your support
Ask Rafa: Murray is one of the best players at football
Rafael Nadal
1. Did you see Spain U21s win in the European Championship Final. Has it inspired you? Alexei
RN: I did have the chance today to watch the whole match. Last night I went for dinner and could not watch it live. I did follow it after when I came back and saw the result.
2. During the US Open 2010, you were consistently serving at 125-130 mph. It played a big part in your winning the tournament. But currently you are serving at around 115-120 mph. Is it intentional, or is it because you haven't found the same rhythm? I remember uncle Toni saying after the French Open this year, that if you serve faster then the returns come back quicker which makes it difficult for you to control the rally. So can you explain the variation in the speed of your serve? Jonas
RN: There is not much difference but it is true that I have to try to get my serve a bit better as I did at the US Open last year. Not that I don't want to, simply that I have to find it.
3. Will you be more circumspect in your scheduling in the future? We love you and want to see you have a long career with no more injuries! Also, is it true you will retire from tennis at 28-29? Sandy, Los Angeles
RN: I have never said at what time I will retire so not really sure. There is not much chance on deciding what to play since with the Grand Slams and the Masters 1000 of the ATP plus the mandatory 500 there is not much room NOT to play.
4. A couple of years ago you were having problems with your wisdom teeth. Did you ever get them removed? Kate
RN: Yes, it was in Miami when I had trouble. Had them finally removed.
5. Can you make Crema Catalana? Jorge
RN: I can only eat it!!!! :-)
6. If you had to rank the tennis players in terms of their football ability, who would be your top 5 (excluding of course, you and your wicked lefty leg)? Eno
RN: Wow, tough question that will get me in trouble for sure! I would say Murray, Francis Roig, Fernando Vicente, Djokovic.
Wow,讓我陷入麻煩的難題啊!我會說是Murray、Francis Roig、Fernando Vicente跟Djokovic。
7. Did playing against a big server on Friday/Saturday help your preparation for your game against Juan Martin Del Potro? Sharon
RN: No, not at all. Different matches, different player
8. Has the possibility of a semi-final with Andy Murray crossed your mind yet? Jules
準決賽對上Andy Murray的可能性已經閃過你的腦海了嗎?
RN: No, not at all. I am only thinking about del Potro since yesterday. Before that each player I played. It could be that on Friday I am already at home!
不,並沒有。我從昨天就只在想著要對上Del Potro,還有之前對上的每個球員。可能那會是在星期五,而我已經
#8 June 27, 2011
Hello everyone and please find here a few words before the answers. Those of you who have seen the match, I am sure you have enjoyed it. It was a great level of match and to be honest I wasn't sure I could finish it.
At some point I felt a lot of pain, like if something had broken... I almost cried of pain and of thinking I could have really gotten injured. I went after the match to get an MRI of my ankle/foot. Will give the results to the press in the morning.
Tomorrow Rory McIlroy is coming to Wimbledon and I am really looking forward to meeting him again!. Had the chance to meet him in NY last year and now I will see him again after he's won a major! I am normally hitting in the afternoon, at around 4 but will come to the tournament site just to see him
明天Rory McIlroy會來到溫布頓,我很期待要再見到他!去年在紐約有機會和他碰面,現在可以在他贏下大賽後
1. Since you are such a good mover on the court, are you also a good dancer? Loreta
RN: No, not at all! I am a bad dancer!
2. During the 2008 Olympics, I had an opportunity to see the Spanish national basketball team play and was impressed with Ricky Rubio. Now I see he is going to play in the NBA. Do you have any thoughts? Do you follow basketball? Jane
在2008年奧運的時候,我有機會去看西班牙籃球國家隊比賽,並且對Ricky Rubio很有印象。現在
RN: I think he is a great player and will do very well, really looking forward to playing against the best. He is really, really good!
3. Have you ever watched Bollywood movies? Kaushik
RN: Not for the moment.
4. Are there some places in the world (besides Manacor) where you can still walk around without attracting too much attention? Cynthia Tanner
RN: Not that I am aware of but it is nice to see people like you.
5. Is it true, that the taller the player, the bigger and better his serve is? Tathagata
RN: That is normally the case.
6. Was it too much to play in the Davis Cup on hard court just one week after Wimbledon? Goran
RN: I have said it loud and clear to the media on Sunday and again today. Things must change in the Davis Cup. I love to play for my country and the way it is scheduled is simply impossible.
7. I love the traditions at Wimbledon but the one where both players walk off the court together seems to have been overlooked this year. What do you think? Natalie W
RN: I haven't realized that since I always walked on court and out with my rival.
8. What did you think of Andy Murray's performance today. Are you worried about possibly meeting him in the semi-final? Julian
你怎麼看今天Andy Murray的表現。你擔心可能會在準決賽遭遇他嗎?
RN: Andy is a great player and I have always said it. Right now my main concern is Mardy Fish, my next rival. Have to be frank with you.
Andy是個很棒的球員,我總是這麼說。現在我主要關心的是Mardy Fish,我下一輪的對手。必須要坦白跟你說。
9. You’ve said before that you like Wimbledon as a place but have you had an opportunity to visit anywhere else in the UK? If so where? Kirstie
RN: Not much, apart from London I have not had the chance. One day I suppose. Benito, my PR guy, tells me there are many beautiful places down south too.
#9 June 28, 2011
It was great finally to meet Rory McIlroy
Rafael Nadal
終於見到Rory McIlroy,太棒了
Lot of things to say tonight but on a personal level the most important thing is what I posted on my facebook today announcing that the MRI went well, negative result on an injury.
I resumed practiced at 4.30 but in the end it turned out to be one hour later than announced since I got changed courts a couple of times.
Most importantly to me, on a personal level was the visit from Rory McIlroy today who came to the locker room and we had the chance to talk long about his win, golf, tennis and some other things.
對我來說最重要的是今天和Rory McIlroy見面,他來到休息室而我們有機會和他聊到他的勝利、高爾夫球、網球
What a great guy he is and I am very happy for him to have won his first major tournament. Big thanks to him for coming!
Against Fish I don't expect the points to be long anyway
Rafael Nadal
1. When you hurt your foot against Del Potro, did it enter your mind that you might have to retire? Colin
當你對上Del Potro時傷了你的腳時,你的腦袋裡有想到你可能必須退賽嗎?
RN: I didn’t know what was going on since it was a new pain and in a new spot so I was really afraid that would be the case. Fortunately things got better after and I managed to finish the match, got an MRI and check I was OK.
2. How did your meeting with Rory McIlroy go? Jenny
你和Rory McIlroy的會面如何?
RN: GREAT! I love the guy. He came to the locker room and we talked. I have posted a picture on my facebook (http://www.facebook.com/Nadal). Wanted to thank the Championships for allowing me to post it.
(照片鬼隱了嗎? 是忘記按下send了吧XDDDDDDD 還是看Rory貼的合照吧 Click Here)
3. Do you look at the serve speed clock after the point is over during your service games? How about when your opponent is serving? Maya
RN: Sometimes I do but I normally know the speed, especially mine!
4. How much will your injury and the four sets against Del Potro impact on you in terms of fatigue against Mardy Fish (above)? Judith
你的傷勢有多嚴重,和Del Potro大戰四盤會影響你在對上Mardy Fish時感到疲憊嗎?
RN: We’ll see tomorrow. Hard to know today. Hopefully I will be fine. Besides, Mardy is a great server and I am sure the points will not be that long.
5. You said you were struggling on your forehand against Del Potro because of your heel injury. Have you not just given Mardy Fish a strategy?
你說在和Del Potro的比賽時,因為你腳踝的傷勢使得你在使用正拍上有困難。你不是給了Mardy Fish
RN: I don’t think so since his game is very different.
6. You were serving very well in your match against Del Potro. In what ways is your grip different and how does it help you to serve better, as in US Open last year? Sharon
你在對上Del Potro的比賽中發球發得非常好。你的握拍有什麼地方不同,以及是如何幫助你發球發得
RN: I did as a matter of fact and I was very happy too with that part of my game. Not a grip thing this time though.
7. Why did you look so hurt last night? Are you really totally healthy? We’re so worried about it. Yichin, Taiwan.
(科科,又是我啦XDDDDD 可是我的全文是既然MRI顯示沒有受傷,為什麼昨天會看起來那麼痛~~~)
RN: Thanks for this. It was really painful when I had to stop to get treatment. Got better with time.
8. Yesterday, a Dutch newspaper had an article on the lessons your uncle Toni taught you regarding being a professional tennis player. Which of Toni’s lessons do you consider the most valuable for you? Myra
RN: I think it is not only one lesson that makes you one way or the other. It is the whole thing and that has been a good thing.
9. Do you play or have you tried other racket sports like squash or badminton? Atch
RN: Not much to be honest with you.
#10 June 30, 2011
Hello everyone. We are back at Wimbledon semis against a great player. I have always said that Andy is one of the best and here you go he is again at a Grand Slam semi-final. We have always played great matches and I am sure this will not be an exception.
I have had a lot of questions about the crowds and I have to say that I have always seen this crowd like the most respectful of all with all opponents.
Thanks to all
Ask Rafa: I'm expecting another great match against Andy - he's got it all
我期待和Andy的另一場好比賽 - 他擁有一切。
1. When you are practicing with junior players during a tournament, what advice do they ask from you? Is it about how to handle themselves on court and off the court? Or on specific techniques? Or something else? Atch
RN: It all depends on the player. Some are more keen in asking questions about matches and technical things but most of them they just hit and we talk about our lives. It is normally the coaches the ones that ask more.
2. With regards to the anaesthetic on your foot, was it a team decision or your decision? I hope this works out well for you Rafa. Jackly
RN: We work as a team but in the end it is my decision based on the advices and opinions of the team.
3. What did you think about the Federer-Tsonga match? Harry
RN: I didn't see it all since I had to play. It did surprise me that Roger lost since he was playing great, probably the best tennis of all at this tournament and he was two sets up.
4. Tell us about Andy Murray’s strengths? Does it include the crowd? Wan Li
告訴我們Andy Murray的優勢?有包含觀眾在內嗎?
RN: I am sure the crowd will be as supportive with him as always but as respectful as always with the opponent. I really think they are very fair here. And regarding his strengths, he's got it all. He is a very talented player.
5. Do you think that your injury gives Andy Murray extra confidence? Fez
RN: I don't think so.
6. There is something that has been bugging me - who is the man with the cowboy hat that sits on the end of your players box? I also noticed him sitting in the exact same place when you won that fantastic final against Federer in 2008. Debbie
有件事困擾我 - 在你的包廂最後一個位置戴著牛仔帽的男人是誰?我也注意到他在你2008年擊敗Federer贏下
RN: Hahahhaaha. He is the gentleman that accommodates guests at both players box. He's been there for years and actually lives in Abu dhabi.
7. Whilst watching your game against Fish, I noticed you were standing quite far at the back of the court when receiving serve,which you hadn't done during the previous matches. What aspects of Fish's game made you do that? In what way does that enhance your game? Sharon
RN: He is a great server and had only lost one service game before our match. So it was a dangerous match and as a matter of fact you saw the last 2 sets.
8. How difficult is it for you to eat enough of the correct foods before a match to keep you going if you do not know exactly what time you will be going on court? Do you ever feel hungry when playing a long match? Karen
RN: We are used to it and not that I don't eat well or things i don't like. I tend to eat 2 hours before the match normally. I also eat some bananas or things like that during a match.
9. What tactics will you use to beat Andy Murray? Jenny
你會使用什麼策略來擊敗Andy Murray?
RN: Play. Try to play! He is very good!
10. How much is your foot hampering you? If it is dead than it must impact on your game surely? Greg C
RN: We'll see tomorrow.
#11 July 2, 2011
Novak Djokovic deserves to replace me as world No 1
Novak Djokovic值得取代我成為世界第一
Hello everybody,
My first words go to Andy Murray, he is a very talented player, a really good one, best of best and yesterday during the first set he proved it once again. What a first set, there was no way I could keep up with his shots! I always say it but it will be sooner than later that he will win a Grand Slam. And I also think that even if he hasn't won a major yet, he is much better than some players that have won one!
首先是給Andy Murray的話,他是個非常有天份的球員,真的很好的球員,是最頂尖的,昨天的第一盤他再次
And my next thing is to thank the crowds! Once again they proved how respectful, fair and knowledgeable are. These are arguably the best crowd in the World since they have always been very supportive with their local player but also with the rival. Every time I've played here they have been like this! Really feel good here!
And to finalize, wanted to congratulate Novak for being number one. He has been the best player so far this year and deserves to be the ATP World number 1.
As you can imagine I am very happy for being again on the final of Wimbledon. If anyone would have told me when I was 15, or 16 or 19 years old that I would have played 5 finals at Wimbledon I would have not believed it. But I am very fortunate and tomorrow I will be playing my fifth final here. Very excited and looking forward to that. I am sure it will be difficult for me to sleep well tonight...
Ask Rafa: I'm thinking about joining Twitter, but I won't tell you when yet!
1. Hello Rafa! Next year when you come back to Wimbledon for Olympic Games, will you be staying at the Olympic village with all other sportsmen or at the apartment same as during the regular tournament? Best wishes from all your fans in Bangladesh. Upoma & Paroma, Dhaka, Banglades
RN: Yes, I am really looking forward to coming back here next year twice at least. The Olympics is something special. I will be staying during Wimbledon at the house I rent, but during the games at the Olympic village with all the athletes. I loved that atmosphere and would like to live it again!
2. Why do you call Maymo "Tin Tin"? Is it because he looks like the Belgian detective cartoon? Atch
為什麼你叫Maymo"Tin Tin"?是因為他長得像比利時偵探卡通嗎?
RN: Hahahahahah. We started like that one day and now we all call him like that. He didn't like it much at the beginning, but now it's OK.
3. Hi Rafa. Which of your Nike kits in recent years would you say is your favourite? Mine was the one you wore at Roland Garros when you won last year. Great colours and design. Nicole
Hi Rafa。近年來你哪一套Nike服裝是你最喜歡的?我最喜歡的是你去年贏下法網穿得那一套。很棒的顏色跟設計。
RN: I actually love all their designs. I love the fact that they always have live colors, except here the white of Wimbledon, which I also think is special and like it.
4. There is a lot of talk on Twitter that you will be joining after Wimbledon, is this true? And if you are, can you tell us when exactly? Looking forward to your tweets! Sofie from NYC
RN: Yes, I am thinking about it. Not sure if it will be right after Wimbledon or when we go to Montreal.
5. Wimbledon is the only tournament where the winner is not taken to some famous city sight to be photographed with the trophy the next day, as is the practice in New York, Paris and Melbourne. If you could choose a famous sight in London to go to for an official photograph, where would it be and why? Julie (Woofs)
RN: True. I suppose that the picture at that gorgeous stadium is strong enough for them. Maybe the first one would be in front of the Big Ben I suppose. Will have to ask Benito Perez-Barbadillo, my publicist.
6. What's your second favourite European country (Spain being the first, I assume)? Have you ever been to Hungary? Edina
你第二個喜歡的歐洲國家是哪裡(我假設西班牙是第一名)? 你曾經去過匈牙利嗎?
RN: I have never ben to Hungary, but I hear it is beautiful, especially the capital, Budapest. I love many things of many countries, especially cities like Paris, Rome, London and many others.
#12 July 3, 2011
Ask Rafa: a British player is helping me prepare for the final
Hi everyone,
I had a quite day at Wimbledon on Saturday. Practiced with the British junior I have been practicing with almost all week this week. I want to thank him (Evan Hoyt) for these days (today he is also warming me up before the match) and his coach for helping me.
(Evan Hoyt) 這些天的幫忙(今天他也在賽前陪我一起熱身),還有他教練的協助。
I had some time with my team and my family and didn't do much. Stayed at the house focusing on today's match. Some talks with my team, with my family, some funny discussions about things that happened these past weeks.
I won't be able to write the final post after the match but I promise that Monday morning you will have the final recap. Thanks all for your support this weeks! It's been great no matter what happens today!
1. Congratulations for the win against Murray. Care to share with us your routine on the eve of finals? Do you do anything to de-stress? Jacklyn
RN: Many thanks. I am doing the normal things I would do a day before a match. Had some dinner with my family and team here at Wimbledon. THen had some physio treatment as every night and now going to bed. It is half past midnight as I write this.
2. Looking at your game against Murray, which aspect of it you are least satisfied and need to improve when you play in the final? Sharon Lam
RN: I think I played very well all the match. Andy played better than me the first set but I didn't play bad. He was simply better.
3. At the Champions ball do the two winners still have to have the first dance together? Judith Forde
RN: Yes, we had that honour although immediately we are surrounded by people and that leaves us free....
4. In yesterday's match against Murray, you let go of what I personally thought were two very crucial challenges. I wonder if it was because you didn't really notice (which seems improbable to me), or was it for some other reason? Mohona
RN: I maybe made a mistake and thought hey were good. Not a problem.
5. Has there been any occasion when you tried playing tennis with your right hand? Sarah
RN: Not when I am playing seriously or even practicing. Only when I play against someone who doesn't play well, like a friend who is not a tennis player.
6. I know that you have an iPad. Have you played the game 'Angry Birds' before? If you did, do you like the game? Jacklyn
我知道你有iPad。你之前有玩"Angry Birds"嗎?如果有,你喜歡這個遊戲嗎?
RN: Yes I do. Banesto, my bank sponsor gave it to me. I don't usually play games in the iPad.
7. I once read that you said it was a mistake to have bought your Aston Martin car....why was it a mistake? Niamh
有一次我讀到你說買Aston Martin是一個錯誤....為什麼是個錯誤?
RN: I had some problems with it.
8. Petra Kvitova just won the women's title. She's a lefty like you and she's very young, what do you think of her? Also, who are your favourite female players and why? Tom
Petra Kvitova剛贏得女單冠軍。她跟你一樣是左手球員,而且她非常年輕,你覺得她怎樣?你最喜歡
RN: I didn't have the chance to see the final to be honest since I was doing some TV interviews and then had lunch with my team and my family.
#13 July 5, 2011
Taking a well earned rest after sadness of defeat
Rafael Nadal
Good morning everyone and first of all thanks for all your support these past weeks.
I am already in Mallorca, back home. Now will be taking some time off, some holidays since I have practically been playing since the Davis Cup tie against Belgium, and that was back at the end of February!
I will be 2 weeks completely off, with my friends, enjoying the summer here in Mallorca.
I am obviously sad for Sunday's result but that's life. Sometimes you win and in tennis most of the times you lose. Novak was a better player that day and he is the winner.
Once again thanks, you can follow me on my Facebook page here.
Ask Rafa: Liam Broady could be a future star
Rafael Nadal
Liam Broady可能是明日之星
1. Why do you let your opponents serve first at the beginning of a match ? Don't you think it's really risky and it will be more secure to serve first ? Emmanuelle
RN: I always did it like that since I start with a very high intensity of my game and if I break I have a big advantage. If not, things are the same and I have to win my serve on the 2nd game.
2. Has there been any occasion when you tried playing as a righty? Jacklyn
RN: No, never. I don't think I could even beat my uncle Toni!
3. How will you motivate yourself after the disappointment of losing today? Angie
RN: Kind if easy this one: Holidays in Mallorca with my friends!
4. Was your injury to blame or was Novak Djokovic just too good? Denise
(輸球)是要怪罪你的傷勢還是只是Novak Djokovic太厲害了?
RN: Novak was just too good for me on Sunday. I have to keep working and improve things.
5. Djokovic seemed to target your backhand - was that crucial in him defeating you? Alex
Djokovic似乎攻擊目標在你的反拍 - 這在他擊敗你方面是有決定性嗎?
RN: I don't think it is only a backhand or playing to my backhand. I think at the important moments he played better than me, forehand, backhand or service.
6. You seemed very upset at losing today. Has it made you more determined to win back your title next year? David
RN: One thing is for sure, I'll try my best to be back!
7. What did you think of Liam Broady when he practiced with you. Could he be as good as Andy Murray in the future? Sam
當你和Liam Broady練習時,你認為他如何?他未來可能像Andy Murray一樣優秀嗎?
RN: IT is difficult he say but he definitely has the tools!
(這一題依Rafa邏輯來說,到底是he [Liam Broady] says it is difficult,還是It is difficult to say